Thursday 9 August 2012

On the 28th on July - 1st August I traveled to the island of Coll for training, the same island we had to go on for selection to be originally chosen! This means all the Chile volunteers finally met for the first time, along with all the India and Japan volunteers. Even though it was much more hard work, it felt more relaxed than selection, probably because this time round there wasn't any pressure to show Project Trust you're capable of being a good volunteer overseas. We had lesson after lesson that taught us pretty much everything we needed to know and they still kept it all very enjoyable. We all got the evenings to ourselves, usually spent at the beach, chilling in the Hebridean Centre or walking around the island! This free time also allowed us to get to know each other a bit more before flying half way around the world and spend a year together! 
It's only 9 days now until I get on a plane at heathrow and head for Chile, and only 7 days at home before I travel to London to the Chilean Embassy to sort out my Visa. Excited is an understatement.

View from the highest point on Coll, looking back at the Hebridean Centre!

 Some of the guys I met going to Chile! 
Ben's blog

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