Monday 20 August 2012

London to Santiago!

Travelled down to London on the 16th (august) for the Chilean Embassy on the 17th before flying on the 18th, all went down smoothly without any problems! The hotel had an amazing view of Tower Bridge with all the olympic rings on and all that! This also gave me a chance to really get my tourist on.

When I arrived at Heathrow I said my last goodbye's to my mum then meandered around to find the other Chile volunteers! We had to wait around 3/4 hours before we could board the plane but time went past super quickly. Sat next to Sammy and Finlay on the plane to Madrid, which took about 3/4 hours, yet again time went super quickly! We had to wait at the airport in Madrid for about 2 more hours just lounging around departures. Then, finally, time had come. We were boarding the final plane to SANTIAGO! Our seats were all randomly allocated but I managed to negotiate with someone to sit next to Finlay right at the back of the plane. We watched half of the The Hunger Games then tiredness caught up with us before we gave up and had a good old snooze. We woke up for food and such things, also watched Shaun Of The Dead (Well good film eh) to try and waste some time cause' let me tell you, 13 HOUR FLIGHTS ARE REALLY REALLY LONG! After gandering about the plane and watching movies and stuff the plane beeped for us to strap in cause' it was time for landing.

When we landed I was verrrrry sleepy so all nearly all excitement was taken from me. Our rep, Claire, came and found us at the other side and got us into taxi's as we headed to the hostel where most volunteers were going to stay (apart from the Santiago volunteers who were getting picked up by their host family). We arrived at 7:50, got to the hostel at 10(ish, can't really remember) and picked up by our host family at 11:20(ish) very welcoming and lovely lovely people! Glad I have them as host's! 
We passed a very wide variety of Santiago as we headed to our new home, took about 30 minutes to get from the city centre to the house. We got shown around the neighbourhood and how to get into the city centre using bus & metro which is actually fairly easy!

..nice wee balcony

 Hovvering about.

 Little supermarket!

 A small arcade we strolled past and won 9X what we put in without having a clue how to play it!

Waiting in the hostel

 Our room! My bed!
 James bed!

 James playing piano guitar hero.

 Our street!

 View from our window!

We start teaching tomorrow in the school, incredibly excited! Not sure what we're going to do when we get asked loads of questions and can't answer in Spanish but I'm sure it'll be fine! And on Saturday night all the Santiago volunteers are going out for the night to celebrate James's (my partner) birthday! Hurrah!


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